Marxist-Leninists explaining how the new class of government bureaucrats will willingly forsake power to create a communist society Democratic Socialists when they successfully win elections only for their politicians to revert to social democrats or be murdered by the CIA Anarchists after cultivating a social revolution for decades only to get betrayed by their allies and killed by foreign funded reactionary forces Post-leftists when another leftist does literally anything Scientific socialists waiting for the material conditions that will cause the fall of capitalism Maoists when they give the bourgeousie positions of power in the communist party Council communists lamenting Rosa Luxemburg and the kronstadt rebellion Dengists when China doesnt achieve socialism in the year 2376 Syndicalists calling for a general strike every 30 minutes Social democrats explaining why we should preserve private property, capitalist social relations and imperialism Conservative "leftists" when someone says bigotry is not compatible with leftist ideals Tankies when minorities, expropirated capitalists and libertarian socialists exist Revolutionary socialists when people can both vote and perform revolutionary praxis Jucheists when you suggest North Korea is not democratic Utopian socialists explaining how they will reach their desired society Christian socialists interpreting away all the cringe shit in the bible Market socialists when market forces compel the worker co-ops to behave like capitalist corporations Right wingers making life worse for the vast majority of people